Literary meanderings from the great Seb Emina
- Richard Godwin
Andy used to edit my column at the Standard! It's fair to say he is happier now.
One of my favourite writers
Henry is funny, opinionated and knows his claret from his beaujolais
Sam Kriss stares into the sun
Good practical wisdom about how to make your writing count
A little life-enhancer from Bristol's finest wine writer, Fiona Beckett
If you love Italy, tu amerai il Substack di Gillian
Laurie Penny confronts demons
Smart young people use the internet so you don't have to
Jazz and other important matters
Sophie is v v funny
David Coggins is an extremely stylish style writer who will class up your inbox no end. He writes about men's clothes, bars, books, travel, fly-fishing in a charming and elevating way.
Jonathan Malesic writes about our culture of overwork with genuine wit and insight
American author Brandon Taylor has one of those wonderful, butterfly minds that enlivens any subject he lands upon.