This is all very timely as I've just made some (delicious) Banana infused rum based on the Banana Justino recipe in Dave Arnold's Liquid Intelligence.

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Banana + rum are definitely a winning combo! 2 variations I've made and enjoyed a lot:

BANANA ANARCHY (from Reddit user u/thejustice32): 1.5 oz white rum, .5 oz Smith & Cross, .75 oz Tempus Fugit banana liqueur, .25 oz demerara gum syrup, 4 dashes [Scrappy's] chocolate bitters, 1 dash coffee bitters (or sub 1 bar spoon coffee liqueur), 3 drops saline. Stir with ice and strain over large ice cube in chilled rocks glass.

BANANERAC (from Death & Co.): absinthe (rinse), 1 oz PF 1840 Cognac, 1 oz Old Overholt rye, .5 oz Giffard Banane du Brésil (I use TF), .5 tsp demerara gum syrup, 1 dash Bitter Truth Aromatic Bitters (or Ango), lemon twist for garnish. Rinse (or spritz) rocks glass with absinthe then proceed as above, expressing lemon twist over finished drink.

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Wow, this sounds seriously delightful Richard and I love the playlist

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