Good afternoon Bartender

These 10 o’clock closing times are no good for your business I suppose. But I quite like leisurely afternoons with a good cocktail. Just about right for those of us who can’t stay up late these days anyway.

I really enjoyed that Brown Dakota, even though I had to buy a huge carton of grapefruit; should keep me going ‘a while. Trouble is my partner can’t have grapefruit because it doesn’t go with the tablets she’s on, so she stuck to her G&T

You talked about buildings. Well, the strangest building I’ve ever seen was the Emirates Training Centre in Dubai which was shaped like a Jumbo Jet……that was in ’98 so I’m not sure it’s still there. I haven’t seen it when I’ve back….Obscene place Dubai…..hate it.

Anyhow, got a question. One time I was in Mexico City, and went to a place like this. Behind the bar were rows of different tequilas. I tried the most expensive; neat; the bottle came in a little straw basket. It was sooo smmooooth and delicious. But what tequila should I use in making cocktails? There’s white and gold, I know. I used to think that white tequila is not the best, but one place in Clifton served some expensive white tequilas. They were OK, not great, but of course I can’t remember their names so now I’m a bit confused. What do you use?

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A single grapefruit squeezed in future? Eat the rest for breakfast. Re: Tequila! I'll do a future post on the subject but thing to go for is "100% Agave". (Otherwise it will be cut with all sorts of other stuff). Silver tequila is transparent, reposado tequila is "rested", i.e. left in barrels for a short time until it's straw-coloured and a little woody. I'd go for reposado if you're getting one bottle - you can use it in all your Margaritas, etc.

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Really enjoyed the Brown Derby. Never had one before but tasty and very easy. Used Buffalo Trace which seemed to work well.

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For any Apple Music users out there - here is week 2's playlist: https://music.apple.com/gb/playlist/the-spirits-week-2/pl.u-aZb0Y16FRVP05a

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