I don’t want to be ‘that guy’... but I feel like the defining feature of an aviation is the violet and not the maraschino.

A riff on an an aviation that doesn’t include violet just feels like it should be called something else. No?

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Hmm! So I looked this up in my Wondrich . 🤓🤓🤓. The original 1916 recipe did indeed contain violet but the one that mostly caught on was the 1930 Savoy Cocktail Book version which did not... And then violet was unavailable for decades. So the first wave of cocktail revivalists - including, by assimilation, me! - did without. And then violet became available again and once more became canonical. So it sort of depends! Nevertheless I’m not sure what to call gin, maraschino, lemon, if not an Aviation?

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Think it might be a Casino (another great name).

Nice bit of history on Difford’s https://www.diffordsguide.com/cocktails/recipe/2332/casino

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Yeah I read up a bit and have to agree with you actually. Learn something new everyday.

It’s one of my favourite drinks (particularly the ‘please don’t tell’ recipe) so i’ve got it in my head that is should be taste floral... or as a friend of a friend apparently describes it - like an old lady’s handbag.

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We’re sitting outside in the garden, in this warm evening, after a nice dinner, sipping this one. Perfect choice!

It’s great to have you back, Richard! 🙂

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will be trying this

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