Jun 23Liked by Richard Godwin

Richard! You may not have spotted this but Greggs have recently-ish being doing a cinnamon flat white with whipped cream which has become slightly iconic and an incredible hangover cure. So I will be making a batch and getting creative, I absolutely love horchata in this heat, and perhaps a slug of cinnamon in a pisco sour?? Though I don’t get how it can keep for 6 weeks when my regular bar syrup only lasts for a week or two before going weird? Would a splash of vodka help?

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Jun 24Liked by Richard Godwin

Are you making 1:1 or 2:1 regular syrup? I sterilise the jam jars and lids I use for all syrups with boiling water and keep it in the fridge and it lasts for a couple of months

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2:1 keeps for longer. My hunch is that a glug of vodka would do the opposite of helping? The more sugar the longer it will last so all the vodka will do is reduce that ratio! Although hmm, I wonder what would happen if you made “vodka syrup”, two parts sugar to one part vodka?

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YOU’RE RIGHT!!! There are 100 ways to use up your cinnamon syrup. I was doubtful, but clearly shouldn’t have been. I like the idea of the apple cider and fizzy water for an NA Thanksgiving option (not trying to rush the season, but like a good Girl Scout always planning ahead.) Just started Wellness; it hasn’t kicked in for me yet, but I expect good things.

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