As a long-term Gibson-drinker, it does HAVE to be a pearl onion. I can recommend the ones in a jar of Edmond Fallot cornichons, though I’d agree a cornichon itself is a good sub (certainly available in Waitrose). Whilst checking my spelling, I have just discovered that Kuhne silverskin onions, my personal fave, seem to be on the internet in 2.5kg jars, so keep your eyes -ahem- peeled if in France for more manageable-sized jars. Still, now I know what I’m hoping to find in my stocking this Christmas …

On a similar note, home-made pink pickles make for a ludicrously pretty dirty Martini, both pretty and pretty dirty. You need a few weeks’ lead in for the pickles though. Happy Friday!

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Those are the best cornichons! And I feel the onion to cornichon ratio it just right for the full Gibson aperitif experience - ie served with some pâté on toast, a few radishes, olives etc

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Ha! 50/15 is exactly the ratio I use on my martinis! 😃 I don’t think I’ve tried using an onion though - but I will once we’re back home from half term break!

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It’s a great ratio. And I sort of feel an onion/olive/cornichon spear would be absolutely optimal. Enjoy!

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This is wonderful! Going to pick up some pearl onions today after reading this 🍸

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