Also interested in your water article. While usually sanitary, tap water in some parts of the US is so ‘hard’ that it has a strong taste at room temperature. Ohio, Indiana, and Arizona - places I have lived - all have this issue for me. The solution is either iced to hide the flavor, filtered, or bottle bought.

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Interesting choice to make this more gin forward, and not an equal parts cocktail (à la the classic Negroni). Please discuss.

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Love a white negroni, I always make it according to the recipe on the back of the Suze bottle so I'll have to try yours. Excited to read the water article. Didion was a true American; she was on the beverage trend long before containers became a fashion statement. She was never far away from a Coca-Cola.

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I just had one of these last night in New Orleans on holiday (at Jewel of the South) because they had a bottle of Suze out in the front row of their bottles, and I had just read your last newsletter! Very tasty serendipity

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I've had this before with the traditional Negroni proportions but much prefer this version. Mine came out luminous yellow - maybe my Lillet or Suze is a bit aged? Also (pedant alert) I think you'll find this is #122 - not #121 (the spreadsheet never lies). Do try and keep up Richard.

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I had my first white negroni at a fancy Korean restaurant n Soho maybe 6 or 7 years ago. Now I always have Suze or Abruzzese genziana di n the cupboard

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